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Kapaleeswarar temple Panguni Thiruvizhaa
March 27 - April 5, 2004

The 10 day Panguni Thiruvizha of the Karpagaambaal Kapaaleeswarar temple in Mylapore, Chennai was celebrated from March 26. On all 10 days, Vinaayakar, Kapaleeswarar-Karpagambal, Karpagambal, Murugar with Valli Deivayaanai and Chandikeswarar (Ainthirumenigal - 5 deities) were taken in procession around the 4 Maada veedhis on different vaahanams / vehicles on pallakkus, palanquins, chariots. As an opportunity for the asuras and demons to redeem themselves from their sins and bad actions, they are also used by the Lord as his vaahanams during this 10 day festival.

March 26, 2004 - worship to village deities, Vinayagar on Mooshika vahanam
Special pooja & worship was offered to the village deities, especially Kolavizhi Amman on the 26th, a day before the festival began. In the evening at 10.00 pm Lord Vinayaka was taken in procession seated on his silver Mooshika vahanam. (He is worshipped at the start of any action or venture, for he is considered to be the Lord who removes obstacles (vignam) and hence is also called Vigneshwara.

March 27, 2004, 7.15 am - 8.15 am - Flag Hoisting
The flag was hoisted on Panguni Uthiram, on 27th to mark the beginning of the festival. The Lord gave darshan in the mandapam at 6.30 am. The flag hoisting was at 7.15 am - 8.15 am - Lord on Pavazha kaal vimaanam.

March 27, 2004, 10 pm - Karpagambal in the form of a peacock, tree vahanams
In the evening at 10.00 pm, the deities were taken in procession on trees as vahanams - Punnai maram, Karpaga maram & vengai maram) Karpagambal was in the form of a peacock worshipping the Lord.

March 28, 2004 - Surya Chandra vattam

Chandra Surya vattams

On the 28th, there was the procession of the Lord - the Surya vattam at 8.30 am & Chandra vattam at 9.00 pm. In the night, there was a procession of Karpagambal on kili vahanam (parrot) and Murugar with Valli & Dievayaanai on anna vahanam (swan).

March 29, 2004, 6.00 am - Adhikaara Nandhi, Gandharva, Gandharvi, Mooshika, Rishaba vaahanams

Adhikaara Nandhi.......Amman on Gandharvi

Murugar Valli & Deivayanai on Gandharvan

Chandikeswarar on silver rishabam

Adhikaara Nandhi, an important procession was on the 29th. Kapaaleeswarar was seated on a huge silver (kavasam) Adhikaara Nandhi, Karpagambal on a Gandharvi, Murugar with Valli Deivayaanai on a Gandharvan, Vinayagar on a Mooshikam and Chandikesvarar on a silver rishabam. At 9.30 am was the celebration of Ambaal feeding Thirugnana Sambandar with Gnaana Paal (milk).

March 29, 2004, 9.00 pm - Boodhan, Boodhaki, Thaaragaasura vaahanams


Kapaaleeswarar on Bhoodhakan

Karpagambal on Bhoodhaki

Murugar Valli & Deivayanai on Thaarakaasuran


March 30, 2004, 8.30 am - Purusha mirugam (partial man, partial animal- a gargoyle), Lion, Tiger vaahanams

Kapaleeswarar on Purusha mirugam

Karpagambal on a lion

Murugar Valli Deivayanai on a tiger


March 30, 2004, 9.00 pm - Snake, Kamadhenu, Ram vaahanams


Kapaleeswarar on Naaga vaahanam

Karpagambal on Kaamadhenu Vaahanam

Murugar Valli Deivayanai on a ram


March 31, 2004, 9.30 am - Savudal Vimaanam

March 31, 2004, 11.00 pm - Silver Rishaba vaahanam

April 1, 2004 - Pallakku procession

April 1, 2004, 10.30 pm - Elephant vaahanam for all five deities

April 2, 2004, 9.00 am - Thaer - Car festival
This is the most important among day of the 10 day festival. The Lord is seated in a huge chariot which is richly decorated with appliqued thombais, thoranams & floral garlands. There are wonderful carvings & sculptures of yazhis, horses, guards on the chariot. It is considered a great pious act to draw this chariot. Devotees voluntarily draw the chariot.

Vinaayagar Thaer

Kapaleeswarar Thaer

Kapaleeswarar Thaer

Kapaleeswarar Thaer

Karpagambal Thaer

Murugar with Valli Theivayaanai Thaer


In the evening the idols from the thaers are taken back to the temple.

April 3, 2004, 11.00 am - Thirugnana Sambandar giving life to Poombaavai

April 3, 2004, 3.30 pm - Procession of Aruvathu Moovar - (63) Naayanmars & the Ainthirumenigal
The Lord wished to honour his ardent devotees, the 63 Naayanmars and hence the festival concludes with the Naayanmars being taken in procession. Idols from other temples in and around Mylapore are also taken in procession on this day.


Kolavizhi Amman










Murugar with Valli Deivayanai

Vaaleeswarar, temple in Mylapore



April 4, 2004, 3.30 pm - Iravalar Kolavizha
The Ainthirumenigal were taken in procession both morning & in the evening. At 6.30 pm, during the evening procession, Kapaleeswarar as Bikshaadanar had a begging bowl in his hand. He is supposed to have spent all his wealth for the festival preparations & hence has no money to wed Karpagaambaal. He collects money from his devotees for the wedding celebrations.

April 5, 2004, 3.30 pm - Thiru Kalyaanam
On the final day, Ainthirumenigal were taken in procession in the morning (Thiru Kootha Perumaan - Natarajar) & theerthavaari was performed getting the idols ready for the evening celebrations.

At 7.30 pm, Karpagaambaal in the form of a mayil (peacock), offered worshipped Lord Siva under the punnai maram. At 10.45 pm, the divine wedding took place. The couple were then taken to their abode Kailaayam, lifted by Raavana, an ardent devotee of Siva.

The flag is brought down as an indication of the completion of the 10 day festival. The festivities come to an end with Chandeswarar vizha.

The next day, the divine couple gave darshan as Uma Maheswarar.

It is believed that the Lord comes out in procession to give darshan even to those devotees who are unable to visit his temple for various reasons. He comes out of his abode to meet & bless his devotees.

devotee with kavadi & thaer

devotees lighting camphor

merry go rounds

vendors selling children's toys

During the 10 day festival, Mylapore turns into a place of intense activity. Devotees young & old, teenagers having fun with their crowd, merry go rounds & giant wheels for the children to enjoy, vendors with their colourful wares (pottery, toys for children, plastic wares, utensils, accessories, coir items and many others are broungt from far & wide to be displayed & sold in Mylapore).

Devotees offer their prayers & worship by lighting camphor, applying beautiful kolams on the four main streets as a welcome to the Lord & his devotees, carrying kavadi & pulling tiny thaers.

Ainthirumenigal - Five idols - Every day the five idols Vinayakar, Kapaleeswarar, Karpagambal, Murugar with Valli Deivayaanai & Chandikeswarar were taken in procession
Chandikeswarar - a loyal devotee of Lord Siva who was accepted by Lord Siva as his chief devotee
Iravalar - begging, asking for bhiksha, alms
Kailaayam - Mount Kailas, the abode of Siva & Parvathi
kalyaanam - wedding
kavasam - an external covering made of metal, which is fitted around the stone or wooden idol
maada veedhis - the four main streets surrounding the Kapaleeswarar temple tank; veedhi - street
maram - tree
Panguni - Tamil month (March 27, 2004 - Panguni 14, Subhaanu year)
Thiruvizha - festival
vaahanam - vehicle
