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This section features info on events / workshops organised by various insitutions. has featured the information as received from the concerned organisation / individual
Please contact them directly for further information

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A Tale of Two Cities - Madurai and Madras - A talk by Manohar Devadoss
presented by Tamil Heritage Trust
3rd August 2019, Saturday 5:30 PM at Arkay Convention Center,
146/3 R.H.Road, OMS Lakshana (Above Shah Electronics), Mylapore, Chennai

About the Speaker and the Talk
Manohar Devadoss was born in 1936 and spent his formative years in Madurai. He started drawing very early in his childhood. He recalls that his school notebooks were full of drawings. Most of them were drawn while the teachers were handling a different type of easel. His teachers were indulgent and let his art and craft flourish. While studying in American College, Madurai he made a very detailed and intricate ink-drawing of the college chapel. He considers this as a watershed moment of his artistic career.

His marriage to Mahema, a gold medal-winning graduate in Fine Arts, in 1963 set in motion more than four decades of creative collaboration which did not weaken or wane despite Manohar battling failing eyesight and Mahema, crippling quadriplegia. He raced against time to draw and write, copiously. His drawings of many historic, social and cultural landmarks of Madurai and Madras are as evocative as the landmarks themselves invoking immediate association to these historic cities.

Manohar Devadoss has so far published seven books, six of them profusely illustrated. His books on Madurai have gone through several reprints. He is currently collaborating with Sujata Shankar to bring out 'Madras Inked’

A journey through a kaleidoscope of few landmarks and icons which he drew and portrayed during his career as an artist and writer, of the two cities he is intimately connected with, interspersing his talk with interesting, sometimes poignant stories from his life.

Tamil Heritage Trust
 Water Management Inscriptions in India Talk in Tamil by Dr. R Nagaswamy
6th July 2019, Saturday 5:30 PM at Arkay Convention Center,
146/3 R.H.Road, OMS Lakshana (Above Shah Electronics), Mylapore, Chennai

About the Topic
The history books that we read as children were replete with references to the management of water resource by Kings and Emperors. King Karikalan building a dam on Cauvery, Raja Bhoja excavating perhaps the largest man-made lake in India, Emperor Ashoka causing creation of many water bodies, etc., It is not just the popular ones but several hundreds of rulers, chieftains and administrators across India have built wells, step-wells, tanks, lakes, canals and dams during the historical period of India. Dharmasastra and our ancient literary works exhort and dictate that it is one of the primary duties of a ruler to create and maintain water bodies.

In Tamil Nadu, not only the temples but also many water bodies wear proudly, even today, the names of famous kings. Veeranam, Madurantakam, Thirubhuvanai, Seevalapperi, to name a few.

Copper plates and inscriptions found in temples, temple ponds, bunds of lakes, sluices contain a wealth of information about our ancestor’s approach to water management. They tell us about the existence of local bodies in many places for water management and how they were administered, how much land and revenue were allocated for maintenance, punishment to both the administrators and others for failing in their responsibilities. Some inscriptions contain even reference to endowments made and work done, several hundreds of years in the past.

Dr. R Nagaswamy will speak about these extraordinary records of foresight and vision, found in the length and breadth of India, in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Prakrit, Sanskrit, et al., for Tamil Heritage Trust on 6th July.

"நீரின்றி அமையாது யாக்கை" ( Neerindri Amaiyadhu Yakkai - roughly translated as 'Without Water - A life cannot be sustained) is a phrase from a Tamil poem 'Puranaanuru'

About the speaker
Dr. R. Nagaswamy, Director of Archaeology (Retired) and former Vice-chancellor, Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya University (SCSVMV), is one among the most distinguished scholars covering a vast field of specialization, art, archaeology, architecture, literature, epigraphy, palaeography, numismatics, temple rituals and philosophy, ancient law and society, music, dance and South Asian art. Many important excavations at Karur, Alagankulam, Korkai, and Gangaikonda-Cholapuram, were conducted by him. He is an acknowledged international expert on South Indian Bronzes, author of several books and path-breaking papers at international conferences. He also founded the now world-famous Chidambaram Natyanjali Festival.

Entry for the event is absolutely FREE; No registration required. The event will also be available on LIVE.

Tamil Heritage Trust
Contact: T Ravishankar 9500074247
THT Website
THT Pechchu Kachcheri
THT Site Seminars
THT Facebook Page
THT Twitter

 "Teach R& D Auditorium"
The Spastic Society of Tamilnadu (Spastn)
CSIR Rd, Taramani, Chennai 600 113
Ph: +91 6381073418 / 044 22541651 / 044 22541542 / 044 22541133
Fax: 044 22541047
A/c Hall Capacity: 350
Open Hall Capacity: 550

THE GREAT LAKES OF KASHMIR TREK organised by Aquaterra
June 29 to July 09
This adventure in paradise from Leh ending with an incredible houseboat experience in Srinagar taking the path of least resistance. Two days in Leh help with the acclimatisation and the road trip from Leh to Sonmarg over the Zojila.

Raja Ravi Varma Encounters with the Botanical! organised by The Raja Ravi Varma Heritage Foundation, a special event to mark Raja Ravi Varma's birth anniversary which falls on 29th April.

An afternoon of learning on 28th April 2019 from 4pm at NGMA Bengaluru, an extensively researched educational initiative that traces and identifies the importance of botanical elements in Raja Ravi Varma’s art. Also, an interesting lecture by Rupika Chawla, Historian and Author of Raja Ravi Varma: Painter of Colonial India to highlight the importance of plants on a Ravi Varma canvas.

Kuthuhalam '19: Kalarigram's annual summer camp for 08-15 year olds
Children get an opportunity to engage with both the practice of Kalaripayattu as well as its lifestyle and philosophy in the serene gurukulam atmosphere of Kalarigram.
Both residential and non-residential options are possible.
Children with special needs are also encouraged to get in touch.

· Kalaripyattu classes: Kalarigram
· Healing practices of Kalaripayattu : Kalarigram
· Philosophy for Children: Sundar Sarukkai , Philosopher
· Art of Observation and Story Making: Anushka Meenakshi, Documentary Film Maker
· Sanskrit for children: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture
· Storytelling: Sangeetha Goel, Storyteller
· Self and the Other - Awareness Practices: Paarvathi Om, Artist

Contact: | 8270709007
Kalarigram, 'Udayan’, Edayanchavadi Main Road, Auroville P.O., Pondicherry
- Lakshman Gurukkal and Shimmi Vayath

8th year Vasanthakala
Sri Lalitha Mahaa Navarathri celebrations at
Sri Oushadha Lalitha Maha Tripurasundari, Sreepeedam, Sembakkam (Village), Kancheepuram, Tamilnadu

Summer Getaways to the Mountains organised by Aquaterra

Gokyo Lakes Trek - Nepal - April 13 - 26, 2019
Garhwal Trek & Raft - Uttarakhand - April 06 - 16, 2019
Dayara Bugyal Trek - Uttarakhand - April 19-24, 2019 | June 01-06, 2019
Tons Thriller Trek & Raft Expedition - April 19-24, 2019
Camp Bagi - Season in April

Artist Darshana Bajaj's 7th Solo Art Show
 A 100 Shades of Green: Celebrating the Magic of Nature
Dates: February 16 - 28, 2019
Venue: The Gallery, Hotel Ambassador Pallava, Montieth Road, 30, Egmore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600008

Chennai-based artist Darshana Bajaj - 7th solo art show in the city.
Collection over 100 works by the artist in oils, water colours, and pastels partly on view at The Gallery, Hotel Ambassador Pallava, from February 16th to 28th, 2019.
Darshana Bajaj - 7th solo art show
Darshana Bajaj - 7th solo art show
Darshana Bajaj - 7th solo art show
Darshana Bajaj - 7th solo art show
Darshana Bajaj - 7th solo art show
Darshana Bajaj - 7th solo art show

Most of the works on display are of the small format, A3 size, but some of the oil paintings are a bit larger. Most of them are framed, and all are ready to be hung. Interested readers can also view the artworks online, on the artist’s Facebook or Instagram pages, where the artist can be contacted.

About Darshana Bajaj:
Darshana Bajaj is an artist who lives and works in Chennai, India. Fascinated by art and all things colourful since her childhood, Darshana is largely self-taught. A post-graduate from the Fine Arts Department, Stella Maris College, Chennai, she has attended art classes with senior artists like A.V.Ilango and Dakshina Murthy. She has participated in a number of group shows, too.

Contact Information:
Phone - 90943 41945
Email ID-

Centenary celebrations of S. Rajam
The Rajam Centenary Committee hosted in Chennai the centenary celebrations of Sangita Kala Acharya S. Rajam on February 8, 2019 at The Music Academy, TTK Road, Chennai.

Rajam was a multi-faceted artiste best known by rasikas and artistes as the artist who gave life to the images of the Carnatic music trinity.
But he was more - musician, scholar, artist, writer, actor. It is this and the man himself who lived for almost 90 years in Mylapore’s Nadu Street that was celebrated.

4:00 pm - Navia Natarajan's Bharathanatyam based on S. Rajam's paintings
5:00 - 'The Ace of Arts' Kalachakravarthy S. Rajam - Book Release - Book on 100 hitherto unpublished paintings of S. Rajam
* Tribute speeches by eminent guests
* Prize distribution to the winners of S. Rajam Centenary Music Competition
* Excerpts from the film "S. Rajam - Sakala Kala Acharyar" was screened through the evening
6.30 pm - music concert - Ranjani and Gayathri (Vo), Vittal Rangan(Vi), Delhi S. Sairam (Mri), K V Gopalakrishnan (Kanjira)
The hosts released a special postal cover on Rajam, a prized one for philatelists.
Information from


Workshop on computational music by Vinod Vidwans on 23-24th February in Gurgaon, India to help the participants understand the relationship between artificial intelligence and Indian classical music - to code a computer to create music.
More details about the workshop:

Prof. Vinod Vidwans has a PhD from IIT Bombay on Creativity as Design Intelligence. He is a multifaceted person commanding skills in fine arts such as Painting, Calligraphy, Hindustani Music, Graphic Design, User Interface Design, New Media design etc. on the one hand and skills in computer coding particularly in the areas of language technologies, web development, Artificial Intelligence etc. on the other. He is passionate about the theoretical knowledge embedded in ancient Indian Shastras such as VyaakaraNa, Yoga, Alankaarashaastra, sangeetashaastra, naaTyashaastra etc. along with practical aspects of them. Combining all these skills and knowledges, he did experiments in imparting creativity to machine, i.e., computer.
To know more about him, please visit

Padma awards 2019

10th Hindu Spiritual and Service Fair 2019

Sri Raja Mathangi Navarathri Utsavam at Sri Oushadha Lalitha Maha Tripurasundari, Sreepeedam, Sembakkam (Village), Kancheepuram, Tamilnadu
from Feb 4 - 14, 2019. Goddess Raja Matangi is considered to be the Tantric form of Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of all the knowledge, arts, wisdom, and learning.

At the Bala Peetam in Sembakkam, children can themselves do abhishekam to the child Goddess Bala, to gain her blessings.
Those who wish to participate or wish to get archanai done can send your children's details - name, Natchathiram (star), Raasi, address, mobile no.
Contact details
Sri Chakra Raja Poorna Mahameru P & C Trust,
Near Jambugeswarar Temple(Periya koil), Thiruporur (OMR) to chengalpattu Road,
Sembakkam (Village) Pin:603108, Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu. South India / / +91-9789921151, +91-9566093515


A Dance Theatre Ritual experience - "AMBA KAMAKSHI"
Adapted to stage and depicted as seen through the eyes of Saint Shyama Shastry, his downpour of SwaraJati in Bhairavi Raagam is the Field of Confluence

Deepika DORAI - Artist Choreographer Theatrist Dancer
Cast (on stage)
Deepika Dorai / Madhuri Srinivasan/ Priyanka Rao / CV Sindhuja/ Akshay VR/Child Artist Hithesh
Musical Team
Prabhavati Srinivasan/ Padmagandhini / Prasanna -Nattuvangam/ Madhura - flute / Raghav Murali - Mridangam / child artiste Arjun

Venue : Aangana, Bimba The Art Ashram 42 Ratnavilas road, Basavanagudi
Date and Time : 630pm on January 26 2019
Call Deepak 9886635069 for more details
