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Patachitra by Nayak Handicrafts
Gangadhar Nayak & his son Sridhar Nayak
Heritage Village Raghurajpur, P.O. Chandanpur, Orissa - 752012
Mob: 09938005311 / 09040130609

September 2009 - last update March 2012

Patachitra is a traditional art of Orissa associated with the temples, which has been practised for generations by the local artists. Traditional methods are used to prepare the background and locally made stone colours are applied on the base with very fine outlines. The result is an exquisite creation which is very colourful yet very delicate. The artists also work on palm leaf etchings. Fine scoringis done on the prepared palm leaf and black colour is applied on the leaf. The excess is wiped off. The black colour settles only in the grooves resulting in an art piece of wonder. Very fine figures and borders are created. Figures of Ganesha, Krishna, Rama, Dasavataram, stories from the epics, birds, animals are the usual motifs. All the artists follow a the same style and form with only very minor personal creativity. They bring in modernity only in the end use of the art objects. of great popular demand is the bookmarks and small wall panels which are sold at very affordable prices. The artists have tried their hand at painting on copra (hardened dry coconut), betel nuts and beer bottles. An artist has to undergo rigrous training for atleast 10 years before he becomes a professional. Gangadhar Nayak's family have been practising this art for generations.
