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108 Divya Desams
Thiru Idavendhai (Thiruvidandhai)

Thiruvidanthai is located on the Chennai - Kovalam road on the way to Mahabalipuram.

The Moolavar is Lakshmi Varaha Perumal seen in the standing posture facing East. The utsavar is Nithyakalyana Perumal, seen with a pottu in his jaw. There are sannadhis for Andal, Sri Ranganathar, Sri Ranganayagi. The Lord merged the 360 daughters of Kaalava maharishi into one maiden & seated her on his lap. It is considered that he married the 360 maidens one day after the other, & hence he is seen in Kalyana kolam everyday, hence the name Nithya Kalyana Perumal. Since he is holding the Devi on his left (Idam in Tamil - left), the place is known as Thiru Ida Endhai.

Thaayaar - Komalavalli Naachiyaar.

Theertham - Kalyana Theertham, Varaha Theertham.

Thirumangaialwar - 1021, 1108-1117, 2673 (73), 2674 (119) .

Total of 13 Paasurams
