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This Siva temple is located on the route to Mylaaduthurai from vaitheeswaran Koil - on the way to Baagasalai from Kadhiraamangalam.

Sthala Puranam
Indran, the Deva king was enamoured by the Agaligai, the wife of Gautama rishi. He took the form of the rishi to cheat Agaligai. The enraged rishi cursed Indran who ran out in the form of a cat to get a 1000 marks on his body. He also cursed his wife to turn to stone. (Agaligai was later relieved from this curse when Lord Rama stepped on this stone).

Indran prayed to Lord Brahma to get rid of the curse. Lord Brahma sent Indran to this sthalam. Prayers to Lord Siva rid Indran of his marks. The Lingam in this temple bears 1000 eyes & hence the Lord is known as Kannaayira Naadhar (Kann - eyes, Aayira - thousand, Naadhar - Lord).

Lord Vishnu is said to have prayed to Lord Siva at this sthalam during his Vaamana Avataram. (short statured brahmin). Since Lord Vishnu in his short form prayed here, the sthalam is also known as Kuru Maanakkudi (kuru-small).

The temple faces east. The gopuram can be seen while getting the darshan of the Moolavar. The Devi's sannadhi is placed outside the inner sanctum. Amman, known as Muruguvalar Kodhai Naayagi is facing south. Since Maandavya Munivar prayed to the Devi at this sthalam & got moksham, there is an idol of Maandvya Munivar at the Devi's feet.

In the Magara Mandapam are the idols of Somaskandar, Vinayagar, Murugar.

There are sannadhis for Bairavar, Saneeswarar, Chandran, Suryan, Murugar, Chandigeswarar, Durga Devi, Appar, Sundarar, Mancikavasagar, Thirugnana Sambandar.

The theertham is Indra Theertham in front of the temple. To the North west is a pond called Naaradar Madu.

The Sthala vriksham (tree) is Kondrai.

Thirugnana Sambandar, Sekizhaar and Ramalinga Vallalar have sung the praise of this Lord.

Devotees offer special prayers to the Lord & Devi seeking their blessings for marriage & child birth.
Ashtalakshmi temple, Besant Nagar, Chennai
