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Mahalakshmi Temple Kolhapur, Maharashtra

Shri Mahalakshmi Temple, one of the Shakti Peethams, is situated in the city of Kolhapur in Maharashtra. It is well connected by rail and road.

The idol is at least 5000 to 6000 years old. On the crown of the Goddess are a cobra-hood and a Shiva-ling with a Yoni around it. Standing behind is the Goddess' vahana-a lion. The idols of the God usually face north or east, but here the idol faces the west.

It is the wonder of wise architects that the rays of the setting Sun, bow at the feet of the Goddess through a window, for a while before vanishing. This special event is celebrated by thousands of people as 'KiranUtsav' on 31st January, 1st & 2nd February, 9th, 10th and 11th November.

Daily opening of the temple: 5 am
Daily closing of the temple: 10.30 pm
Worship: Five worship services are offered each day.

Information and photos provided by Sri Rama Krishna Sharma
