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October 28, 2010

Prikshit Sharma, Masto - Miniature artists

Chamba Rumal, Himachal Pradesh
Mohalla Chountra, City Chamba, HP 176310
Mobile: 094182 23713 ; e-mail:

(I do not take orders.  Pl contact the artists directly.)

Chamba in Himachal Pradesh is famous for the Pahari and Kangra styles of miniature paintings. The same style and figures used for the painting are traced on fine unbleached cotton or silk fabric which is mostly white or off-white in colour and fine double satin stitch is applied to create exquisite hand embroidered panels. Other stitches used are stem, buttonhole. The speciality is that the art piece is reversible in that they are finely finished on both sides of the cloth and are reversible.

Prikshit is a miniature painting artist from Chamba, Himachal Pradesh. He traces the designs on cloth and gives the finishing touches to the picture using pencil. Masto does the hand embroidery. The women of the village are usually engaged in the stitching work. Prikshit says "The drawing and the embroidery are both intricate and the dedicated artists who execute the work almost like a dhyanam, sometimes forget their tea or even meals".

Click here to View the embroidery work
