October 28, 2010
Chikan work from Lucknow by Rehana Begum
Anokhi Chikan Centre, Napier Ooad Part-II, Ghass Mandi Lane, Anjeer Wali Masjid
Thakurganj, Lucknow 226003, UP
Mobile: 80813 35100 / 9956008255 ; e-mail:
(I do not take orders. Pl contact the artists directly.)
Chikan work traditionally done on muslin is now done on a
variety of semi transparent synthetic fabrics. The stitches used are
back stitch, herringbone. The stitches are made on the traced pattern on
the reverse side. The heringbone filled on the reverse appears as a
shadow work with a thin outline on the right side. This work is now done
on a vareity of materials in all colour combinations.

Click here to View the embroidery work