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Oil Paintings by Dharshana Bajaj

April 2009

Chennai based artist Dharshana Bajaj's latest series of oil paintings is centered around the quest for the Buddha, or the Truth within. The artist believes that at some level we're all aware that the ultimate goal of life is traversing spiritual realms and journeying within to identify with the Truth. "Our cravings may lead us away from this goal for a while," she says, "but eventually we all get there."

Periods of soul searching are inevitable in every person's life. As the Buddha himself is noted to have said, "No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path."

The artist's journey within has resulted in this collection of paintings. Treading between figurative and abstract art, Dharshana has experimented with form, depth, colour, and proportion to create works that inspire the viewer to look within, too.

Mindscape - Oil Painting by Dharshana Bajaj
Faith - Oil Painting by Dharshana Bajaj
Trance - Oil Painting by Dharshana Bajaj
Buddha in the Forest - Oil Painting by Dharshana Bajaj
Blues - Oil Painting by Dharshana Bajaj

Artist Darshana Bajaj opens her studio to people

Artist Darshana Bajaj's 7th Solo Art Show - A 100 Shades of Green: Celebrating the Magic of Nature

The Crow and Other Mysteries - An Exhibition of Paintings by Darshana Bajaj

A painting exhibition titled 'What flows through me, flows through you, too', by Darshana Bajaj

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