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Chandra Bhagavan

Thingalur Sthala varalaru, doshams and remedial measures
Chandran is also hailed as Thingal and his abode is Thingalur. it is here that Chndran prayed to Lord Siva and got his blessings. As Chandran is held in the locks of Lord Siva, all devotees who worship Easwaran have also to worship this planet. The Devas and asuras were churning the paarkadal using Mandira Malai and the snake Vasuki. The asuras held the head portion of the snake and the devas, the tail portion. The poison emitted by Vasuki was consumed by Lord Siva to save the devas, but the toxicity of venom affected the Devas who swooned on its impact. Alongwith the nectar (amirtham), Chandran emerged and it was he who revived the Devas.

Apputhi Adigal was born in Thingalur. he was an ardent follower of Thirunavukkarasar, without ever laying his eyes on the great soul. He did a lot of welfare activity in his hometown in the name of Thirunavukkarasar. During his visit to this holytown Thirunavukkarasar heard about Apputhi Adigal and visited his abode and consented to partake in the meal offered in his honour. To serve food for Thirunavukkarasar, Apputhi Adigal sent his son to the garden to fetch a plantain leaf. When on this errand, a snake bit him and the lad passed away. Not wishing to disappoint his guest, Apputhi Adigal covered the corpse of his son and tried to serve his mentor. But realising the situation, Thirunavukkarasar carried the corpse to the temple of Lord siva in Thingalur and revived the boy singing and imploring the Lord with Thirupadigam.

Dosham to mother, mental retardation, skin and nerve problems, jaundice, fluid accumalation are the diseases caused becaus eof Chandra dosham. By praying to Lord Chandran, the above afflictions can be overcome. Wealth, mother's/wife's happiness, Govt's help, ownership of vehicle, marriage, offsprings, prosperity, foreign travel will be bestowed on his devotees.

The sthalam of Chandran is Thingalur, which is located 36kms from Kumbakonam, enroute to Thiruvaiyaru. Chandran's wife is Rohini. The presiding deity are Kailasanathar and his consort Periyanayakiamman. Chandran is the Lord of Kadaga Rasi and he faces the South-East direction. The Adi Devatha is water; prathyathi Devatha is Gowri; his colour is white and his vahana is white horse. The grain associated with him is paddy, rice; the folwer - white arali; fabric - white cloth; gem - pearl; food - curd rice.

Navagraha Gayatris
