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Surya Bhagavan

Suryanarkoil Sthala varalaru, doshams and remedial measures

Kalava Munivar had foreseen his future and relised that he would suffer from leprosy. He prayed to the Navagrahas, who being pleased with his devotion absolved him of the disease. Brahma Deva on realising that the Navagrahas were granting boons, instead of aspecting a person as per his/her good and bad deeds, condemned them to suffer from leprosy and banished them to earth.

The Navagrahas realising their mistake, pleaded for mercy. Brahma adviced them to seek the blessings of Lord Sva and his consort Uma Devi residing at Thirumangalakudi, after bathing in the holy river, Cauvery. He adviced them to consume only curd rice laid on Velerukku leaf.

Lord Siva, pleased with their devotion absolved them of their sins and decried that there will be nine sannadhis for the navagrahas in the Suryanar temple (this is the only temple where all the navagrahas are present with separate sannadhis) and those who pray here will get relief from their problems.

Those who suffer the ill effects of Kalathara Dosham, Vivaha Paribandha Dosham, Puthra Dosham, Puthra Paribandha Dosham, Vidhya Paribandha Dosham, Udyoga Padhibandha Dosham, Surya dasai, Surya bukthi would benefit from worshipping at this temple. Father, Athma, physical strength, right eye, governmental largesse are the beneficial aspects of this planet.

The Suryanar temple is located 12kms from Kumbakonam enroute to Mayavaram. Surya's wives are Usha, Prathyusha. The presiding deities are Puranavaradheeswarar and his consort Mangalanayaki. Surya is the Lord of Simma Rasi and occupies the central place amongst the navagrahas. The adidevatha is Agni, prathyutha Devatha - Rudran. His colour is red and his vahana is a chariot drawn by seven horses. The grain associated with his is wheat; the flower - lotus, yerukku; fabric - red clothes; gem - ruby; food - wheat, rava, chakkara pongal.

Navagraha Gayatris
